
Laboratories     Equipment     Experts     Now you know.

The ULab test facility is simply a facility landing page for the ULab developers to use for testing. None of the labs or equipment listed in this facility are real, it just allows us to demonstrate and test the system in a live environment.

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ULab Feature box

this is a feature box

ULab facilities let you create pages using different blocks. This is a feature box block with a solid background

Ian Thompson     +44(0)141 548 2969     ian@ulabequipment.com

Second feature box

this is another featurebox

ULab facilities let you create pages using different blocks. This is a feature box block with a transparent background

Tim Plumridge     +44(0)141 548 2969
non square

non square

image is long

this is a test of the feature box handling of non-square images

Ian Thompson     ian@ulabequipment.com

put information in here