Agie Charmilles Wire EDM F1440CCS


A most versatile machine, capable of cutting 45° cones, and can do this whatever the height of the part. The principle of crossed double guiding of the X, Y, U and V axes independently and of the same dimensions, allows machining to be done with a large taper, thus widening the scope of possible applications for wire spark erosion.

Interesting fact: The history of EDM Machining techniques goes as far back as the 1770s when it was discovered by an English Scientist Joseph Priestley. However, Electrical Discharge Machining was not fully taken advantage of until 1943 when Russian scientists learned how the erosive effects of the technique could be controlled and used for machining purposes.


  • — Electro-Discharge machining at cutting speeds up to 500mm2/min
  • — Work piece dimension 1200 x 700 x 400 mm
  • — CNC control of all axes
  • — X-axis travel – 550mm
  • — Y-axis travel – 350mm
  • — Z-axis travel – 400mm
  • — Taper angle +/- 30 degrees

Lab: AFRC - General machine tool capability
Location: AFRC
85 inchinnan drive
Owner: Scott Davidson

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